A Parfait is a food (savoury or sweet) that is layered and is served in singular portions. The word "parfait" is French for perfect......and these really are!!
I had some left over Banana Flapjack from yesterday (the ones without chocolate on them) and decided to make them into a Parfait. I rummaged in my cupboard and found banana pudding and butterscotch pudding mixes.
I wouldn't have normally used Butterscotch but Ros from The More Than Occasional Baker gave me the idea. Check out her Banana Butterscotch Pecan Muffins.
Recipe ~ makes 4 (depending on your glass sizes)
1 x Banana pudding mix
1 x Butterscotch pudding mix
8 x pieces of Banana Flapjack (without the chocolate topping)
- Preheat Oven to 200/Gas Mark 6
- Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
- Cut up the flapjacks into granola-esk sized pieces/crumbs.
- Spread out evenly over the baking sheet.
- Bake for 5-10 min make sure you mix the crumbs once or twice so they get an even bake.
- When they are golden brown take them out of the oven and leave to cool.
- Prepare both pudding mixes as per the packets.
- When the banana granola is completely cool layer it up in a glass like so..........
Easy peasy!!!
I was right about Parfait's being delish, the flavours in this one go great together and the granola stays lovely and crunchy (like chopped nuts)!
These are tooooooo goooooooood! They might even be my new THING!!