19 Sept 2011

Naughty blogger.... tut tut!!

Well firstly I must apologise for breaking the cardinal rule of lying on my blog!!! I promised I would post last week and I didn't! TUT TUT......... slap my wrist!

I have a good excuse though, I've had an awful week!

Monday - my dog bit my neighbour (so he says), world war 3 ensued. Grr
Tuesday - ripped exhaust off car (for the 3rd time this year) trying to park in the woods for a family walk. Grrr
Wednesday - my Patisserie & Confectionery course was cancelled weeks ago but no-one told me so tonights (14th) course not going ahead (only told when I CALLED THEM on 14th to ask what to take) Grrrr
Thursday - car shopping.
Friday - new car wouldnt start - dead battery! Grrrrr
Saturday - concentrated on quiet family time and destressing.
Sunday - day of rest and visiting the family ~ no blogging allowed on Sundays.


What a week I have had :-(

Oh yeah! And my dippy hubby broke the jar with all my s/r flour in so I couldn't make any cakes to cheer us up!!

Payday on Weds so am buying ingredients for a quadruple choc cupcake to cheer us up and to enter into the cocoa challenge for september......

We Should Cocoa

Apologies again....

Speak soon ~ with choccy goodness to share :-)

xx Kat xx


  1. Possibly the most well deserved item you'll ever bake! What an awful week you've had.

  2. Yeah it's been a shocker!

    Will get some yummies on here very soon, chocolate always does the trick :-)

    xx Kat xx


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