29 Dec 2011

What my Christmas looked like

Well.........this has been one of my best Christmas's EVER!!!!

I'm going to bamboozle you with pics now because, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

This is what my boys got up to..................

23 Dec 2011

Christmas Tree Mini Cupcakes

So the 12th of December was Harvey's toddler group Christmas party.

I don't go to toddler group anymore (boo hiss work!!) so my sister-in-law takes my brood over every Monday.

One Monday I came home and was promptly told I would be making the cupcakes for the Christmas Party. I was quite excited about it and had loads of ideas for tiny Christmassy cupcakes.

Then I remembered I don't have a Mini Muffin Tray 24 cup :-( BTW I don't think I'm getting one for Christmas, donations are greatly appreciated *wink-wink*

Also by the time I get home on Sunday night ~ after the weekly Sunday trip to Aunty P's house ~ it's too late to get the rugrats to bed and start baking.

Short-cut it is then.

For these little cuties you'll need 24 mini cupcakes, I bought mine from Tesco (yes it is the only store in my town!!)

You'll also need green buttercream, I used my vanilla buttercream and coloured it green with Sugarflair Paste Colour - Party Green. To decorate you'll need Polka DotsDr. Oetker Soft Silver Pearl and Dr. Oetker Soft Gold Pearls.

The kids were all over these, so I was told.

I hope you like them too.

Have a great Christmas Eve Eve

xx Kat xx 

20 Dec 2011

Chocolate Coated Pretzel Stars

Hi guys *waves*

5 more sleeps to go!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I have been buying and cutting and taping and wrapping and writing and singing and drinking and baking and eating *breathes* and I am still coo coo for Christmas!!!! 

Aaaand as promised, my Pretzel Stars....

8 Dec 2011

Chocolate Orange Cupcakes & this months "We Should Cocoa" entry


I am so friggin' excited!! December my favourite month, winter is my favourite time of year. 

All the towns and cities have their Xmas lights up, it's cold (perfect for snuggling), I can go shopping without getting told off by the fella and the food is crazy good!!! :-) 

4 Dec 2011

Dino Cupcakes

My friend asked me to make dinosaur cupcakes for her grandsons 3rd birthday party.

Never done dino before, so why not?!?

Me and the kids have been ill all week and I was supposed to have the cakes done and delivered by Saturday ~ que Friday night......

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