15 Sept 2013

Chocolate OD Pie!!

Helloooooo friends!!

I'm back (for now anyway)

I'll tell you what I've been up to...
  • Starting a Bookkeeping course
  • Looking after my home/animals/kids/husband
  • SLIMMING(ish)
  • Shed tears over my eldest starting primary school
  • and I've gone back to work!! (boo hiss)
It's been hectic to say the least.

You know you're busy when you can't play with your own blog. Who knew I'd be one of those "on the go" mums, I'm a lazy sod at the best of times! 

But having 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 chickens, a big house, a "needy" husband, a job, a blog and a course really takes up my time.

This pie is one I made about THREE MONTHS AGO, this is how far behind I am! 

Anyhoo this is how I made this scrumptious dessert...YOU MUST MAKE THIS YOURSELF!!

Ingredients ~ serves 16

400g triple choc cookies
150g unsalted butter (melted)

  1. Blitz the cookies in a food processor.
  2. Add the melted butter and blitz again until it looks like damp sand.
  3. Press into a 10 inch, fluted, loose-bottomed tart tin.
  4. Refrigerate for at least 1/2 hr (or until cool).
While it's chilling make the filling...

200g mini marshmallows
2tbsp cocoa powder
125ml milk
300ml double cream

  1. Place the mallows, cocoa powder and milk into a saucepan and heat on a low heat until the mallows have completely melted. 
  2. Set aside to cool.
  3. Thickly whip the cream (be careful not to turn it into butter!!!)
  4. Using a hand whisk mix the mallow mixture into the cream.
  5. When completely combined take the base out of the fridge and fill with the mallow/cream mix.
  6. Stick it in the fridge again or at least 1 - 2 hours.
Cut that bad boy into 16 slices of joy!

You are welcome!!

Until next time...

xx Kat xx


  1. you sound very busy! lovley pie....if you gonna make something chocolatey why not go all the way huh?! yum

  2. Ooh, ooh, love the idea of a chocolate marshmallow pie. Not quite a cake, but I'd be happy to have it on the We Should Cocoa party table anyway. Good luck with your very hectic life, no wonder you haven't had much time for blogging.


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