Why is it that nothing works properly anymore?
Cash machines are always broken! (meaning no money for me that day)
Cars are just made to break down!
No-one can answer a phone, or if they do they cannot help and need to "pass details on" or "Transfer you to the correct department.........beeeeeeeeeeeeeep" or ask a bazillion people what to do and keep you on hold for about a year! - FYI.... I work in a call centre myself so I, unfortunately, have to do this from time to time (not the asking people bit coz I know my stuff) but I make it my mission not to, coz it's irritating and time wasting!!
Buggy raincovers cover the open part of the buggy but do not cover the buggy hood - which isn't water proof BTW!!
And enrolling in a college course is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!
I found the perfect course, in the nearest town, on a evening that I can commit to, which had the exact course content I wanted. Woo hoo!!!!!
So I excitedly completed my forms at work, to get the learning grant they so generously provide, and set to work contacting the course provider.
4 phone calls later and someone answers!! Result! But they cannot help as they are just manning the phones due to the correct person being on holiday. So I decide to call the other number listed on the site.......... 6 calls later and I give up as no-one seems to, hear the phone ringing, or, know how to pick it up!!
I decide to call the original number again. I speak to the same woman who this time takes my details so I can get a call back so I can enrol. Result!!??
Guess what..... no call back.
So I call the same woman again and she is very sorry that I haven't been contacted (very sweet lady) and takes my details again. She isn't sure who she needs to pass my details on to so I give her the name of the chap, who never answers the phone, and she said she'd get right on it.
To try to get this going I email the bloke aswell, trying hard to hide my frustration but not doing a very good job of it.
So now I am waiting, fingers crossed, that he knows how to read and reply to an email!! (Catty? Moi? Certainly not)
All I want to do is enrol in a flippin' course, surely it cannot be this hard. C'mon people...........
Anyhoo, on a happier note, I have a lingerie party to go to next week so will have some sexy looking cupcakes for you (and hopefully some good news about my course) ;-)
TGI Friday!!
xx Kat xx
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