20 Jul 2011

Not moving after all!! :-(

So after weeks of holding everyone in my chain off until we got an answer from our mortgage provider they came back to us!! yey!


The reason is I have gone part time and we now have 2 children so now they consider the mortgage we currently have, that is easily paid every month, as not affordable! What The...........

When I eventually stopped crying and calling everyone I know to tell them what horrible thicko's my mortgage company are, I thought about it and, although we still won't be near to any family, the town we currently live in has a lot more kid friendly stuff than the town all our family live in. Which is a nice thought.

Plus my hubby just bought me a 100cc scooter, peep peep!!!! Got to do my CBT then I can scoot about as much as I like :-) after years of not having a car when hubby is at work and the car do we have being a diesel guzzling monster, it's gonna be great to nip out when I want to.

The day I got the bad news I needed a cheer up and nothing does that better than pizza and garlic bread.

Easy peasy recipe.........

Garlic Bread & Pizza Dough
300g self raising flour
80g butter
100g grated mature cheddar
pinch of salt
4 tbsp s/skimmed milk

I always put gloves on for this as I hate getting gloop under my nails!!

  1. Preheat oven to 220 deg C/ Gas Mark 7
  2. Rub the flour, butter and salt together until it resembles breadcrumbs. (use fingers)
  3. Add the milk and cheese and mix (with spoon) until is forms a ball of dough.
  4. Break the dough into 2.
  5. On a lightly floured surface roll out the dough to about 5mm thick.  
  6. Place on a non-stick baking sheet.
For the pizza topping just add tomato puree then the toppings of your choice.

For the Garlic Butter
50g butter
1 tbsp garlic puree
1 tbsp italian seasoning (herbs)
  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix until combined.
  2. Poke dimples into the dough you are using for the garlic bread
  3. Spread generously with your garlic butter - I like putting my gloves back on and giving the dough a good rub down with the garlic butter - I'm sure the dough quite likes it too :-)

When you have put the amount of toppings, and garlic butter, you want onto your doughs place them in the oven and bake for 15-20mins

Cut into portions....

Make sure you eat it straight from the oven and feel instantly better about the world.

The kids love the pizzas too!!!!!


xx Kat xx

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