1 Feb 2012

Chocolate Cinnamon Mini Cupcakes

As you know January was the month of bite-sized treats.

I'm going to say these count as a January special (I made them yesterday) 

Yesterday Harvey was at pre-school so I got a-baking ~ whoop whoop

The idea was to make something a bit more adult in taste, I always have an abundance of chocolate in my house and was scrabbling about for something to go with it. 

I've already done Peanut Butter, Chilli, Orange, Caramel, White ChocCoffee and just Chocolate so I wasn't sure what to do ~ I'm not the most imaginative person on the planet!!

While rummaging I came across Cinnamon, yey!! I've seen Cinnamon frosting before so I thought I'd give it a go.

I'm so glad I did as these little munchies were lush!

Here's how I did it....

Ingredients ~ makes 36 mini cupcakes or 12+ regular cupcakes
100g butter
80g soft dark brown sugar
20g caster sugar
80g self-raising flour
20g cocoa powder
2 eggs
1 tbsp golden syrup
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup semi-skimmed milk
  • Preheat oven to 170 / Gas Mark 4
  • Put baking powder, flour and cocoa powder in a bowl, mix, and set aside.
  • Beat butter with hand mixer until very pale.
  • Add sugars and beat together until light and fluffy.
  • Add eggs one at a time and beat each one until fully incorporated.
  • Mix in the golden syrup.
  • Add half the dry ingredients and FOLD gently until completely mixed in.
  • Add milk, FOLD again.
  • Add the other half of the dry ingredients and FOLD until smooth
  • Spoon into lined mini muffin tin to about 2/3 full.
  • Bake for 15 minutes.
  • When baked leave to cool for 2 mins then remove to a cooling rack to cool completely.
Frosting ~ covers 24 mini's with swirls or all 36 flat iced
100g butter
200g icing sugar
1/4 cup semi-skimmed milk
1 tsp ground cinnamon 

  • Beat butter with hand mixer until very pale.
  • Add icing sugar a spoonful at a time.
  • Add milk and mix until fully incorporated.
  • Add cinnamon and beat mixture until light and fluffy (about 3mins) 
Frost as desired!!

I was supposed to take these to work for my team meeting today but they never made it outta my kitchen!! 



xx Kat xx


  1. These look amazing! Love the eggcup - very clever :) PS I have a new challenge on my blog this month, would love it if you could join in :)

  2. Thanks,

    Don't worry I've seen it :-)

    Thinking of my "L" ingredient

    xx Kat xx

  3. cinnamon and chocolate is like the ultimate combo in my opinion. Love the mini versions!

  4. Beautiful and super cute!!Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you and you are welcome, glad you like them

  5. LOL isn't that always the way, not at my house though, hubby won't eat a thing I make.

    1. Well...... mine actually spat out my Chocolate and Strawberry cake truffles!!! HOW RUDE!! lol

  6. I love cinnamon anything and these sound gorgeous. They look gorgeous too, I do admire your piping skills.

    1. Thank you,

      I was surprised at how great this combo is!! It's definitely in my top 3!!

  7. These look fantastic and the cinnamon frosting must be excellent:)

    1. It was definitely good frosting, will be making again!!

  8. I think you are really creative!! I bet your kitchen was smelling amazing - no wonder your husband ate them all!!

  9. Chocolate and cinnamon pair wonderfully together. I love cinnamon in or on evertthing, even my morning oatmeal, so I can imagine how your good cupcakes taste. Sending #chocolatelove your way.

    1. I will take that #chocolatelove with a big chocolate smile :-)

  10. I have to say your pretty creative.. I'm loving theses cute cupcakes. Great flavor combo and plan on trying sometime soon..

    1. Thank you. You'll have to let me know how they turned out.

  11. I love chocolate and cinnamon together! Your cupcakes look gorgeous!

  12. These cupcakes looks lovely & a great combination of ingredients too! Your cinnamon frosting sounds good, I've to try it soon. Thanks for sharing. :)

  13. Delicious! I love chocolate and cinnamon. These are so perfectly made!

  14. Very pretty cup cakes and I love chocolate and cinnamon together! Can you blame your hubby for eating them? Stopping by and sending you some #chocolatelove!

  15. Cinnamon and Chocolate, a great combination plus an added health bonus! Yum!

  16. love the presentation, wish i can also whip frosting the way you do :) very nice!

    glad to have met you at #chocolatelove

  17. these cupcakes look fabulous! i love the icing and the decor. i can see why they didn't make it out of your kitchen! sending some #chocolatelove to you!

  18. these look fabulous...mmm..chocolate and cinnamon...perfect all the time



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